Where the sun sets

The sunsets here have taught me so much about life.

Every evening, a longing to go to the beach overtakes me. I wonder if the sky will be clear or overcast when I get there. Will I be able to see the sun set?

You cannot control the weather, like you cannot control life. But you can try to be at the right place, at the right time, and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out today, there is always tomorrow.

And in the same way that the beauty of a sunset is fleeing and transient, so too are the precious moments of life. A moment of connection with a good friend. A smile between strangers. It comes and it goes. All we can do is appreciate and enjoy it as it comes, and let it go, graciously. 

Sunsets also remind me to be grateful that life comes to us in 24-hour packages. No matter how tough a day is, there is always hope that perhaps today, there will be an unusually beautiful sunset to bring a dose of comfort.

Perhaps most profound of all, is the realisation that some of the most dramatic sunsets I've seen here, have come after a heavy downpour. Like today.

Shortly after my swim at the sea, it started to drizzle. In just three minutes, I found myself driving in heavy rain. I stopped for a hot drink, hoping to wait out the rain. It was still early, and I wanted to stay out to catch the sunset, even though it didn't seem like that was possible in the overcast sky.

I went for dinner and forget about watching the sunset. But as I drove home, westwards, I caught a glimpse of the brilliant setting sun as it peeked out of the dark storm clouds. For just a few moments, the bright orange hue of the sun pierced the gray clouds. It was a dramatic contrast. I continued driving into the light, awed once again, by how profound beauty sneaks up on us, in the most unlikely moments.


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