Show me Your face

Hands are functional. They get work done. They represent activity. Try watching someone's hands, and you will see a flurry of activity, a blur. Keep on doing so, and before long, you feel disorientated.

To see someone's face though, you have to be still, and close enough. The face is the most distinctive part of the body that distinguishes one person from the other. It is perhaps the most deeply personal part of the body.

Our eyes can only focus on one thing at one time. If we are watching someone's hands, we aren't looking at the face.

When we focus on asking God to do something for us, to give us something, we are preoccupied with watching His hands, hoping for some desired outcome, some result.

By being fixated on God's hands, we can't see His face.

To see His face, we have look up and be still.

Are you watching His hands, or His face?


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