Floating in the sea of grace
Each time you go to the sea in search of rest, you do not know what you will find. And that is part of the excitement. Just as the sea looks different every single moment, so is your life lived in My love.
Some days the waves are strong, even violent, as they sweep you helplessly to shore, again and again. Other days, the sea is calm, with gentle ripples that you can barely feel.
Your life is unfolding day by day like the ebb and flow of the sea. There will be days of quietness in which you feel nurtured and rested. But there will also be seasons of busyness and acceleration in which you feel overwhelmed. Don't expect things to be a certain way. Life today is never the same as the day before.
Rest in the sound of silence. Delight in the buzz of labour. You will enjoy each moment the most as you yield to grace, in the same way that you float best when your body fully relaxes. My grace is like the sea that is all around you, keeping you afloat. It is always there, but you have to yield to it.