Go, gather the empty vessels

How much tragedy can a human heart endure? Ask the widow in debt who was about to lose her two sons in 2 Kings 4. She did not yet know it, but her utter desperation was setting the stage for a miracle.

The prophet Elisha asked, "What do you have in the house?"

That is the starting point for every miracle. What do you have? Empty waterpots (John 2)? Five loaves and two fishes (Matt 14)? 

"Your maidservant has nothing in the house but a jar of oil".

Funny how we always focus on what we do not have first...and tag on what we do have as an afterthought.

Elisha told her to go borrow empty vessels, as many as possible. 

I imagined she must have felt acute shame as she went door-to-door to borrow empty vessels from her neighbours. Everyone probably knew she was in debt, and now, she was further humiliated, having to ask favours of everyone else. Yet for this miracle to happen, the widow had to face her lack head-on. Was she crying? Was she stoic?  

We know how the story ends. God multiplies the oil and fills every vessel. The oil stops flowing when the last vessel is filled. She has enough to pay off her debts and to live on. 

I am happy for her, and hopeful that in God's economy, lack attracts provision, and shame precedes honor.


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