Sabbath Blessings Chapter 4: Beholding Jesus
Being at a 24/7 prayer house is like pure luxury care for my soul and
All I do here, is worship and pray, on and on and on…
I have nowhere else to go, nothing else to do. There are no
schedules to observe. No rush to finish worship so the speaker can start. No janitor
pressuring you to leave because it’s late and he has to lock up.
Today, deep in worship, God showed me why worship is so
I realized that since getting here, I have forgotten who
I am. In His presence, my identity as the Director of Cocoon and my vocation as
missionary fades away. In worship, all I am conscious of is my identity as a
child of God, a lover of Jesus. Nothing else really matters.
Before His throne, anointing doesn’t matter. Gifting doesn’t
matter. Calling doesn’t matter. All we need to do, is love Him. And everyone
can do that. We are equal in His presence. It is so simple.
Last night I attended service. The speaker talked about the
prayer house mandate to raise up a generation of people who behold Jesus and proclaim
His beauty in the last days.
“O Zion, You who bring good tidings,
Get up into the high mountain;
O Jerusalem,
You who bring good tidings,
Lift up your voice with strength,
Lift it up, be not afraid;
Say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’” (Isa 40:9)
The Latin word for “behold” speaks of admiration, wonder,
We are to be continually amazed, surprised, astonished, at
the never-ending glories and beauty of Jesus. Does this description sound like
Christian life as we know it?