There are no hungry disciples on earth...

I read again the story of Jesus feeding the hungry multitudes this morning. (See my previous post first for the context).

And Jesus spoke again. I saw with new eyes, that there were TWELVE baskets of food leftover.

TWELVE – There was ONE full basket EACH for the twelve disciples.

I imagine them looking at one another, each hugging a huge basket of bread and fish, in a state of shock.

Jesus fed the hungry crowd, and at the end of it, made sure each of the disciples also had a share in His abundance.

The abundance God pours forth is deeply personal, AND precise at the same time. It is not a mindless extravagance that results in wastage. Nor is it a coincidental sufficiency.

I imagine the disciples walking away with Jesus, carrying their basket of food.

What would you do with yours?

I would set aside some for my mom and dad – and happily give all the rest away to other hungry children I meet along the way, while walking alongside Jesus…

There are no hungry children in Heaven. And there are no hungry disciples on earth.


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